6 Steps of Corporate Insolvency Process

CIRP is a process to determine the capability of repayment of the defaulted corporate. For this purpose, IRPs are appointed. They evaluate the assets and liabilities to determine the capability of repayment.


To provide a relief to MSME and to offer them some respite from this pandemic, the process of pre-packaged insolvency resolution was introduced. This PIRP was introduced by way of ordinance dated 04.04.2021 by the Ministry of Law and Justice.

Position of home buyers in the case of Insolvency

The allottees are left helpless when the developers stands either insolvent or incapable of delivering the possession even after passage of years beyond the date of delivery.

Enforcement of Arbitration Award via Insolvency Proceedings: A Contrary Perspective

The enforcement proceedings for the foreign award (under S. 47-48) are the last and final stage where the debtor can resist the award from becoming binding/ enforceable for grounds listed under Section 48 of the Arbitration Act.

Limitation and Insolvency Laws (IBC)

The apex court held that the Code isn’t a machinery for recovery though its usage in several perspectives still be within the nature of a recovery system.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2021

The Code was enacted in 2016 to consolidate and amend the laws governing corporate reorganization and insolvency resolution for corporations, partnerships, and individuals.

Supreme Court on constitutional validity of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

IBC is economic legislation and that when it comes to economic legislation, flexibility should be given to the legislature because no economic law can be fool proof at its inception.

Winding up Proceedings will not create any bar for initiation of the Insolvency Proceedings

These two judgements would be of great importance because they have paved a way for the transfer of post-notice winding up petitions pending before the different High Courts.


Many Homebuyers are confused between RERA and Reverse Insolvency, and it’s hard to decide which one is better. So here we are explaining the concept of RERA vs Reverse Insolvency.

Group Insolvency- The Future of Successful Resolution under IBC

It is advisable to the creditors to make a plea of initiating Group Insolvency while filing an application for initiation of CIRP against a corporate debtor.


Reverse Insolvency Under IBC laws, seems best solution for struck real estate projects and Reverse Insolvency concept is kind good for both homebuyer and builder

Covid-19 Impact on the Insolvency Bankruptcy Code

In response to the damage done to the economy the Indian Government has placed certain embargoes and granted certain grace periods to help reduce the financial strain caused by the complete shutdown of the economy this includes the three month moratorium that has been given by the RBI regarding payments of EMI.

Economic Survey: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code dramatically reduced time for resolution of Stressed Assets

Laws relating to IBC that caused inadequate and ineffective results with undue delays has proven its success by a dramatic reduction for resolution of stressed assets at an average of 340 days as compared 4.3 years in the era before the IBC as per the most Economic Survey. 

Period of Lockdown to be Excluded from Insolvency Process- NCLAT

The period of lockdown imposed by the Central Government in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak shall not be counted for the purposes of the time-line for any activity that could not be completed due to such lockdown.

No bar to Initiate Insolvency Proceedings pendency the action under SARFAESI Act or RDBFI Act

The pendency of actions under the SARFAESI Act or actions under the RDDBFI Act, 1993 does not create an obstruction for applying Section 7 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016, especially given Section 238 of IBC.