Homebuyers get a relief under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

Homebuyer is a person who buys or expects to buy a house. And A promoter is an individual or organization that helps raise money for some type of investment activity.

Difference between Financial Creditor and Operational Creditor

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) bill 2017, describes the Financial Creditor and the Operational Creditor and the ambit of its applicability on creditor-debtor relationship.

Ericsson vs. Aircel- The former moves to Delhi High Court to recover dues

Swedish telecom equipment manufacturer Ericsson has moved to Delhi High Court against Aircel and its units to get their debts back worth Rs.251.40 crore

Sound Financial Status of a Company for framing Debt Recovery Policies- Presales Research

Here we will briefly discuss about the sound financial status of a Company and how it can have a positive impact on framing Debt Recovery policies.