Status as on- 11/01/2023
The term Artificial intelligence was first coined by John MacCarthy in a conference held at Dartmouth in 1956, it is basically an intelligence demonstrated by the machine which is in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals.
AI has a tendency to replace the function of a human being with the help of machine intelligence by processing automated data which is called machine learning or by deep learning in which the machine has the ability to recognize facial expressions, voice, etc., and by algorithm, it calculates the provided data.
Lately, there had been a progressive increase in artificial intelligence-driven technology in India and globally. Even during this pandemic, when the world is devastated globally and where at one point, it became non-viable to imagine the functioning of various companies, firms, education institutions, court proceedings, and of various departments, AI proved to be a straw for a drowning man.
Now the question arises whether artificial intelligence is useful in the field of law, though we are lagging behind in digitization in the field of law it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that around 4500 law firms are using AI to predict the case before the matter goes to court, on the basis of the facts of the case. The President of India on Law Day emphasized the need for the court judgment to reach the common man in the vernacular language which seems a milestone to be achieved if done with human assistance.
However, keeping the complexities and burden of the judiciary in mind the Supreme Court of India launched a software called SCI- interact to make its 17 benches paperless, another initiative which is web-based application called LIMBS has been introduced by the Department of Legal Affairs (DoLA) for monitoring cases involving the central Government and is aim to digitize the legal process in a more effective and transparent manner. E-courts projects have also been envisaged and implemented by the e-committee of the Supreme court, the project has set an example of a successful e-governance project reaping rich dividends for litigants and citizens. SUPACE is another portal that has been recently introduced by the SC, which has been described as a” perfect blend of human intelligence and machine learning”.
So, with all these experiments the SC is aimed at reducing the burden of pending cases and the bulky volumes of records being filed. The Indian judiciary system is three structured, we have Apex Court as the last appellate, the High courts are the top judicial body at the State level, and sub-ordinate courts at the district, municipal, and village levels. Despite having such a composite structure, it has been recorded that around 3.18 crore cases are pending before the district and taluk courts across India (vide National Judicial Data Grid). To reduce the burden of the judiciary it is high time that we equip our judiciary with technology and introduce AI to replace the traditional functioning of the courts.
The introduction of machine learning will also help in detecting, if a similar case has been filed before the court previously or not or if the case is authentic or frivolous if an offender has been previously convicted for any charges or not, and in various ways which relates to the collection of data and processing the same when required. By introducing deep learning technology in the courts, the facial expressions of victims and offenders can be read which can be proved to be a revolution while deciding the cases, it will ultimately help in pronouncing more correct and evaluative judgments by the judges.
As said “Justice delayed is Justice denied”, at this juncture we need ease of justice that would lead to ease of leaving
Disclaimer: The above article is based on the personal interpretation of the related orders and laws. The readers are expected to take expert opinions before relying upon the article. For more information, please contact us at ibc@centrik.in