Documents required for allotment of DIN


Status as on- 28/10/2021

Director Identification Number is abbreviation of DIN. Director Identification Number allotted by Central Government to any individual intending to become a director.

It is a unique number containing 8- digit, which is issued as a lifetime validity. It must be noted that if a person is a director in one or another company then only a single DIN is required which means that DIN is specific to a person or individual. The details of all the directors are maintained in a database through DIN.

Procedure to apply for DIN- through e-form

As per section 153 of the Companies Act, 2013, any person who wants to become a Director shall require to make an application in e–form DIR with Registrar of Companies (ROC) along with e-form there are few documents which are required to be attached with it.

List of Documents required to be attached with e-form DIR-3:

  1. Photograph,
  2. PAN,
  3. Identity proof,
  4. Residence proof,

In case of foreign nationals, they are required to submit their passport as an identity proof and it must be a postille/Notary, as the case may be.

Few important points must be noted here:

  • Attached documents must be attested by a Company Secretary in whole time practice.
  • In case of foreign nationals, their documents must be apostle/ notarized in home country of the foreign person.

Certification by Professionals:

E-Form DIR-3 is mandatory to be signed by the Applicant through DSC and shall be verified/ certified digitally by a Company Secretary in full time employment of the company or the Managing Director or Director or CEO or CFO of the existing company in which the applicant is intended to be appointed as a director, may also verified/ Certified the e-form DIR-3.

Generation of DIN:

After the submission and payment of the challan for e-form DIR-3, the system will automatically generate an application number. Central Government will process the application and decide the approval/ rejection. After the approval the DIN number will be allotted to the Applicant.


It is to be concluded that Director Identification Number is a unique number. Its validity is for lifetime and it is specific to a person even if a person is a director in two or more companies , he has to obtain only 1 DIN and if he leaves a company and joins some other Company, the same DIN would work.


Disclaimer: The above article is based on the personal interpretation of the related orders and laws. The readers are expected to take expert opinions before relying upon the article. For more information, please contact us at

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